An Overview of Cloud Web Hosting

An Overview of Cloud Web Hosting Cloud hosting is a process where multiple front-end Web servers work together as a clustered network of Web servers. This means the hardware, software and bandwidth resources of each front-end Web server is shared across the cluster of front-end Web servers. An automated system of monitoring the usage requirements of each Web server included in the cluster along with the early detection of problems and issues that one Web server may encounter is implemented into the entire cluster of front-end Web servers.

This automated system allows efficient network resource sharing across the front-end Web servers that are included in the cluster. So, when one Web server requires more bandwidth, higher processing power and speed or bigger data storage space, the other front-end Web servers with extra resources provide what that one Web server needs in order to accommodate its requirements. This improves the overall reliability and stability of the websites hosted in a Web server that is included in the cluster of front-end Web servers. What about data privacy, protection and security?

In a cloud hosting environment, multiple data servers are connected to each of these front-end Web servers. These data servers are used by the front-end Web servers for storing directories, files and databases of the websites hosted in the front-end Web servers. This means the data stored in these data servers are kept safe against potential illegitimate access, because these data servers are not directly connected to the Internet. Also implemented in these data servers is an automated system where the databases, files and directories of websites hosted under a cloud hosting account can be backed up at regular timed intervals. This means a cloud hosting customer can schedule backup processes for his or her website files, directories and databases. These backup copies can then be used to retrieve lost data or restore entire website files and directories in case of Web server resource failure or crashes and data corruption. What other advantages are available with a cloud hosting package?

Better Web server hardware, software and bandwidth resources. Since the hardware resources, such as data storage space, processor and RAM modules, of one front-end Web server are shared across the other front-end Web servers in the cluster, better hardware resources are available to one front-end Web server, especially because the entire cluster can provide what one front-end Web server requires at any given time.

Software resources are also integrated into each front-end Web server, and these control panel applications and scripts provide cloud hosting customers with a set of integrated functionalities for managing their cloud hosting accounts and their websites. In case of software crashes or freezes, the software resources of other front-end Web servers can be used to provide cloud hosting customers with the reliability that they expect from a cloud hosting package. Also integrated into each of these front-end Web servers are scripts that can be used for 1-click installations of CMS (Content Management System) software, such as WordPress or Joomla, mailing list applications and other programs which can be useful for managing the content of their websites.

Since the bandwidth requirements of a website may drastically change when large volumes of viewers spend time and do a wide variety of onsite activities on a website, especially for websites used as a portal that houses SAS (Software As Service) applications, then having large bandwidth resources shared across each front-end Web server included in the cluster means an automated system for scaling up the bandwidth resources of one front-end Web server when it requires additional bandwidth is provided to each cloud hosting account holder. Most Web hosting companies that offer cloud hosting packages also implement a pay-as-you-go type of service, which means cloud hosting customers can opt for this payment plan in order to just pay for the bandwidth resources that have been used up by their websites.

These front-end Web servers and back-end data servers are regularly managed and maintained by a large group of IT specialists employed by the Web hosting account. This means a cloud hosting account subscriber can be assured of manually monitored Web servers. Fixes and repairs can also be quickly implemented by these IT specialists as soon as problems or issues are detected. This in turn improves the overall reliability you can get from a cloud hosting package.

Coupled with round the clock customer and technical support services, cloud hosting account holders can be provided with all the answers they need about their cloud hosting packages and their websites, whenever they need it. Phone and email support services are generally offered by most Web hosting companies, though some Web hosting providers also offer live Web chat and helpdesk ticket support. Having more options to contact the customer and technical support agents of your Web hosting provider also means more convenient ways for you to monitor your cloud hosting account and implement upgrades or fixes when you need it.


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